Usage Scenarios

The FIP Wizard can be used in the following scenarios:

FAIR Implementation Profile

In this scenario, we will use FIP Wizard to create and update FAIR Implementation Profile of a community and submit it to the triple store as a nanopublication.

These use cases are require user to be logged in in FIP Wizard:

Create FIP

  1. Select Create a FIP from the left menu

  2. Fill-in the name and press Save button

  3. Fill FIP Questionnaire with your community data, the changes will be saved automatically

Update FIP

  1. Select Projects from the left menu

  2. Find by name the FIP you want to edit

  3. Fill FIP with new data you have, the changes will be saved automatically

Submit FIP

  1. Open FIP you want to submit

  2. Go to Documents

  3. Press New document

  4. Press Create (optionally, you can change the document name, e.g. “My community - v0.1”)

  5. Press three dots on the right for the new document and press Submit

  6. Select the triple store you want to use and press Submit

FAIR Matrix SPARQL Queries

Once you have submitted FIPs in the triple store, you can use various SPARQL queries to explore its contents based on your specific needs. We recommend the Wikidata’s SPARQL tutorial.

List declarations for Community

For a specific Community, e.g. ENVRI, you can list all the declarations about current use of a Resource with respect to a FIP Question.

PREFIX fip: <>

SELECT ?decl ?question ?resource
   ?decl a fip:FIP-Declaration ;
      fip:declared-by <> ;
      fip:refers-to-question ?question ;
      fip:declares-current-use-of ?resource .

List usages of Resource

For a specific Resource, e.g. Digital Object Identifier, you can list which communities use (or plan to use) it. You can easily filter our Resources for a specific Community.

PREFIX fip: <>

      ?decl a fip:FIP-Declaration ;
         fip:declared-by ?community ;
         fip:declares-current-use-of <> .
      ?decl a fip:FIP-Declaration ;
         fip:declared-by ?community ;
         fip:declares-planned-use-of <> .

Count usages of Resource

You can also count, for example, how many communities use (currently) a specific Resource.

PREFIX fip: <>

SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?community) as ?count)
   ?decl a fip:FIP-Declaration ;
      fip:declared-by ?community ;
      fip:declares-current-use-of <> .

FAIR Matrix query

This query prepares a table for building FAIR Matrix. You can further limit it by including Community, Question, type of relation (use or planned), or Resource directly in the query.

PREFIX fip: <>

SELECT ?community ?question ?rel ?resource ?resource_label ?resource_type
   ?decl a fip:FIP-Declaration ;
      fip:refers-to-question ?question ;
      fip:declared-by ?community ;
      ?rel ?resource .

   VALUES ?rel {
      ?resource rdfs:label ?resource_label
      VALUES ?resource_type {
      ?resource a ?resource_type

In FAIR Matrix (or FIP Fingerprint), use of a Resource by a Community can be:

  • 0 = Resource is not used by Community (cannot be queried, need to compare the list of all possible resources with used resources)

  • 1 = Resource is currently used by Community (limit only to fip:declares-current-use-of)

  • 2 = Resource is planned to be used by Community (limit only to fip:declares-planned-use-of)

This query uses SPARQL 1.1 with keywords VALUES and OPTIONAL. You need to pre-fill your triple store with the Resources (with type and label at minimum).